Jun 21
#2. Understanding Your Emotional Nature
Emotions are usually one of the most misunderstood and most repressed members of our personality. They are often maligned, feared, buried and neglected.
——– > For Example: Can you identify 5 feelings you are aware of right now?
In most Western cultures, men are taught early to suppress and ignore the way they feel. While some would claim, women are given too much space to play on their and other’s emotions. Neither of these claims are true for all men or all women.
Our family of origin is often hot bed of unspoken feelings. Here is where we learn how to express the over whelming or distorted emotions. Our parents and other adults are the role models. However, did they express healthy communication? Like 99% of people during 99% of the time – probably not. Yet we learn how to identify and share our feelings by watching those around you.
Most people need help to really get in touch with their feelings. For many, it’s like learning a new skill. So much emotional energy goes into being ‘passive yet aggressive’ when the pressure builds. Others just bury any and all feelings in case they get rejected.
Please know – Emotions are not the Enemy!
Learning to identify and express any feeling in a balanced way is part of healthy emotional growth. It’s also part of good communication and, and, and ………. the list goes on.
The word “emotions” is not a Biblical term. However, we find general principles, such as “mourn with those who mourn”, Romans 12:15, “be angry, but sin not”, Ephesians 4:26. Scriptures like these tell us that Emotions are not to be quenched, but respected. We are created in God’s image, and He has emotions too, so we must value them, because He does!
Get this valuable study that explains the nature of Emotions and how to have healthy emotions. You can receive all my eBooks FREE by emailing me on sf4372 (at) gmail.com Catch our next eBook!
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