Privacy & Security

Our Disclaimers, Privacy and Affiliate Polices:

All websites and Blog owners are required by law to lay out a ‘Disclaimer Policy’, an ‘Affiliate Disclosure’ and a ‘Privacy Policy’ when dealing with the public.  These policies are meant to protect the Internet public against unfounded claims, dishonest business practices and hidden links to earn money. 

We have tried to break down the information so that you, as the consumer, can feel safe at our website/blog.  We shall present our policies on our log files, keeping track of visitors with ‘cookies’ and Beacons, collecting stats, using polls and affiliates.

None of the information on our websites/blogs is intended to replace recommendations or advice from physicians, health-care providers or legal experts.  As authors and publishers of this website/blog, we have used our best efforts in preparing this site.  We make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness of the contents of this site. 

The information presented here is strictly for educational purposes.   Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this site, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

We must disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied) and in no event, be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material. 

Nor do we as the authors and publishers, give any warranty to the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any products, other website/blogs listed or linked to our site’s contents.  All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

Please also note that individual names, pictures and information have been rewritten to protect the identity of those involved in this website/blog, unless we have written permission to include their identity with their story.  The images have come from a variety of sources and do not depict the people actually involved in the stories, unless we are given photos and direct permission comes from the actual people involved to share their story.

You may share the material in our website/blog with friends or family but may NOT copy portions or use materials for articles.  This would be breaking copyright laws.   In fact most of the posts and material have copyright protection embedded in the articles. 

We make no guarantees about the results of following the information presented on this website/blog or what is given by our guest posts. 

Our Log files:

As with other websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files, such as your IP (Internet Protocol) or email address, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) when appropriate.  This data is collected whenever you use the browser to visit any site, recording the time you visited the site and which pages you visited.

Use of ‘Cookies’ and Web Beacons:

We do NOT use cookies to store your information when you visit our site.  We do NOT use hidden third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit this website/blog.  All ads are obvious and very visible.  For your information, if you find sites that do use ‘cookies’, you can always disable and delete such tracking devices.

Email Addresses:

All email addresses and website/blog addresses are kept in the strictest confidence.  Again should you contact us or subscribe to any of our information or services via email, we will never sell or give away your email address.  All such addresses can be used to inform you of newsletters, info about other sites or even affiliate information.  You have the right to ask to be deleted from our database at any time.

We promise to never sell or give away your information to a third party, or use your information in any way outside of the guidelines we have clearly set our.  Our credibility in the Internet field is very important to us as in our reputation as Christians, mentors and people helpers.

Any Poll Information:

From time to time, we may conduct reader polls on topics of interest to other readers or to further our information as to what you would like to read.  However, the information collected will never be shared with a third party or leave our computer database.

Affiliate Disclosure:

This website/blog uses affiliate programs for monetization, which means that if you purchase what we recommend, this will result in a commission that is credited to this site.

Some affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the ads shown on this site.  We have endeavoured to select only those products or services that we have used, have researched or can highly recommend.  Our affiliate marketing is to further the information within this blog and is not a full time income for us.  We tried to vent even the Adsense or other ads companies.  We do add more and more affiliate programs as it becomes necessary. 

Remember to always, always, always do your OWN ‘due-diligence search’ before making any purchases.  Never purchase anything that you cannot afford. 

If you have any questions about any policies we have outlines, please feel free to contact us.  We are more than happy to answer questions or provide additional information.

May this website/blog help you in your personal life and in your understanding of your life’s issues, 

Susanne Fengler